Work Package 5


Work Package 5 will construct, pilot, revise and validate innovative evaluation tools for individuals, organisations and educational systems, through: 

  • A Portfolio of individual competences for cultural literacy  
  • A Scale of process indicators to guide good practice  
  • A Competence portfolio for community arts workers  
  • A Portfolio of collective competences for cultural literacy  
  • A cultural literacy education (CLE) assessment framework 


The University of Verona (UNIVR) is the Work Package (WP) lead and lead of the tasks that concern the implementation of the Portfolio of individual competences for cultural literacy, the Scale of process indicators to guide good practice, the Competence portfolio for community arts workers.

JYU is the lead of task 5.4 regarding the development of
the Portfolio of collective competences for cultural literacy, and NORD is the lead of the Task 5.5. aimed at the implementation of cultural literacy education (CLE) assessment framework.  

In the WP, are also involved UCol, KULT, UHil, UoA, Mak, Ulun, PZero and AEC. 



The main deliverables will be: 

  1. Individual Assessment Instruments;

  2. Organisation & system assessment instruments. 

Furthermore, the results of the WP will be presented in scientific papers, in journals and in international conferences.